Recording and Captioning PowerPoint Presentations

Recording a PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint allows you to record a presentation and share with others for viewing later. The process for recording a presentation varies depending on which operating system, and which version of PowerPoint, you're using. Please review this Microsoft support article for guidance specific to the operating system and PowerPoint version you prefer:

Record a Slide Show with Narration and Slide Timings.

Captioning a PowerPoint Presentation

Once you're ready to share your recorded presentation, you can make it more accessible to potential audiences by adding captioning. Microsoft Stream offers an easy way to add captions to your recording. This process differs for Windows and MacOS users.  

Adding PowerPoint Recording to Stream for Windows 

  1. With your slide deck open, click File and select Export. Select Publish to Microsoft Stream.

  2. Click the Publish button.
  3. Powerpoint will now begin creating an mp4 file. A progress bar will indicate the creation of the file.

  4. A confirmation message will appear once the video has been published to Stream. A clickable link will allow you to view your video in Stream.

  5. See Requesting Captions in Stream for the final steps.

Adding PowerPoint Recording to Stream for MacOS

  1. With your slide deck open, click File and select Export.

  2. In the window that pops up, specify the location where you'd like to save the exported video (make note of this location for subsequent steps). Change the File Format to MP4. Other options can be left with the default selections. 

  3. The exported MP4 will now save locally to the folder specified (Downloads, in the example above).
  4. Navigate a web browser to and sign in with your JHED credentials. 
  5. Click Upload and select your MP4 file to add it to Stream.

  6. See Requesting Captions in Stream for the final steps.

Requesting Captions in Stream

  1. In Stream, click on the name of the video to which you want to add captions.
  2. Click Video Settings, and then click the chevron icon next to Transcript and captions to expand that section. To create captions, click the Generate button. 

  3. When prompted, select the spoken language.

  4. Once the captions have been produced, a toggle switch for enabling them will appear in the Transcript and captions section. By default, the switch is in the On position.
  5. Use the Share button to create a link to share the video.


For information on creating live transcription for PowerPoint presentations, please see our article: Live Transcription for Meetings.


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