Videos in courses at the Whiting School of Engineering will be uploaded to Canvas using Panopto. These videos can be watched directly in Canvas or launched in the Panopto web app to access more advanced features, such as caption search, bookmarking, and additional accessibility control for caption size, position, and color.
Videos Embedded in Canvas
The video player is used in Canvas to display lectures and other relevant course recordings. This section covers basic features of the embedded player, and the next section will highlight additional features you can access in the interactive player.
- Download: The downward pointing arrow will download the video to play offline. An mp4 file will be downloaded, and can display with embedded captions if the VLC Player is used for playback.
- Launch in new window: The diagonal arrow will open the video in a new tab, and allow access to additional features in the Panopto app. More information about those features can be found in the next section of this article.
- Closed Captioning: The CC button will turn captioning on/off for the video.
- Video Settings: The gear button will give you access to a menu that allows you to make changes to Captioning, Video Speed, and Video Quality.
- View in Fullscreen: The button with arrows in each corner will open the video in fullscreen on your computer. You will continue to have access to this menu in fullscreen mode, and can hit the ESC key to exit.
Video Data & Caption Search: The upward pointing arrow in the bottom center of the video player will expand a pull-up a window, allowing you to see additional details about the video and search the captions for specific topics or phrases to jump to those points in the video.
Interactive Video Player
To access additional features in Panopto, click the diagonal arrow in the embedded player, which will open the video in a new window in the Panopto interactive video player.
The player will appear with the same controls as seen when embedded in the course, but a panel will appear next to the player and give access to additional features.
Contents: If a video contains a presentation, Panopto will look for headings within the slides to create a clickable table of contents with timestamps.
Captions: An interactive caption stream with timestamps can be searched for specific phrases or topics. The captions are not downloadable, but can be copied from this window and pasted into another document if needed.
The appearance of captions can also be adjusted in the player by clicking the gear icon. This will give the user control over caption position, color, and size.
Bookmarks: As you watch videos, you can leave bookmarks at certain timestamps to return to for additional review. Bookmarks are private by default and cannot be made public.