Creating an ePortfolio

At the Whiting School of Engineering, access to the tool Digication is provided to students, faculty, and staff for use in creating digital portfolios, also known as ePortfolios. Digication is an online platform designed to help educational institutions, students, and educators create and manage ePortfolios, allowing users to showcase their work, skills, and accomplishments in a digital format. It provides a comprehensive way to demonstrate learning and achievements over time, and can be shared with potential employers or others outside of the university.

Access to Digication is provided within the Canvas course sites where the tool has been made available to students. If you have any questions about access to Digication or other issues with using the tool, please email


When you log into Digication, you will first see the dashboard. The dashboard will contain four sections:

Digication Navigation.png

  1. The global navigation menu on the left.
  2. The Create Work module at the top of the dashboard.
  3. My Works module which will include your works, templates, and any works or templates shared with you.
  4. My Courses & Groups module where you can see the courses in which you are enrolled or have completed.

For additional guidance, click on the links below to connect to Digication guides.

Using a Template

You have been provided a student template to help you get started. This template will provides a scaffolding and resources to support you in your ePortfolio development. The student template will include design elements, sample content and layouts, and will save time when creating an ePortfolio.  You can access the student template by first creating a new ePortfolio from the dashboard. We recommend that you start with the student template until you are more familiar with Digication.

Please note that the student template contains instructions that are only viewable while you are editing your ePortfolio.

Digication Using Template.png

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides.

Creating Sections and Modules

Sections are used in Digication ePortfolio to organize your content on a page. Each page may contain multiple sections, and each section can contain multiple modules. Modules will hold different content such as text, images, documents, etc.  For example, the Student Template About Me page contains two sections, the Header Section and the content section that contains different modules (two media modules and a Rich Text module).

To add a new section or module, click the Add Content button at the bottom right-hand side of the page.

image of the add content button

The Library page will display with all the options that can be added to your page. These includes a section, table, Rich Text module, media, files, etc.  Please take note that all new sections are automatically added to the bottom of the page.  If you are adding a module to a section the module will be added to the section that is currently being edited, or active, when selecting the Add Content button. 

website image of the library page displaying ways to add content

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides.

Adding and Editing Text

You can add and edit text in any Rich Text module in your ePortfolio by clicking on the module and then click the Edit icon

Digication Edit Icon.png

When adding or editing text, the Rich Text Toolbar will come available and contains tools to format your text. These tools include adding a Heading, creating a bulleted or numbered list, apply bold and underline, adding quotes, insert a hyperlink, attaching files, insert equations, and style settings. 

Digication Rich Text Toolbar.png

Some sections, such as a Header Section, may contain a lock icon indicating that the section is locked for editing. If you desire to edit this section, click the lock to unlock the section for editing. You will then be able to view the edit tools for that module. Make sure to click on the lock icon when completed to lock your changes into place. 

Digication Lock Icon.png

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides.

Adding Media

Digication has made it easy to add media to your ePortfolio. When adding content the Library page will display all of your media options. Add a file to your content by dragging and dropping the file from your computer directly onto the Digication page or use the Add Content button to upload your file. 

You can add images to your ePortfolio by uploading your image file or by using the built-in Search Image tool in the Library Add Content page. Capture a new picture by taking a picture with any webcam.  Use the record video or record audio options to record and embed directly from your web browser with any webcam and microphone.  Or embed content from popular services such as YouTube, Vimeo, or TED. 

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides.

Moving and Resizing Content

Content is added to Digication Portfolios in sections referred to as modules. Modules can be moved and resized to create a more customized arrangement and design. To move content, hover over the module to display the module toolbar, then click the move tool. You can then drag and drop the module into a new position.  Please note that a module cannot be moved into a space that already contains a module. You may need to create empty space prior to moving a module. 

Digication Moving Content.png

You may also consider resizing modules to create a better layout for your content. To resize, hover over the module’s border or a corner, your cursor will change to the appropriate arrow, then click and drag the boundary of the module to your desired size. 

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides. 

Stylizing Content

Give your ePortfolio a customized look by using the style properties in the settings for a module or section. Customize the background color or an image of a module or section. Customization tools are found in the settings for the module or section you have selected. 

Digication Stylizing Content.png

Use the Apply Styles feature to choose a customized style for a module or section. You can find the Apply Styles feature under the module or section settings and can choose to apply it to all new or existing content. 

For additional guidance, click the links below to access Digication guides.

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