Zoom Quick Start Guide

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a service that not only provides video conferencing and mobile collaboration, it also acts as a conference line, and a WSE Zoom Webinar account can host meetings for up to 1000 people. We also have Large Meeting licenses which can host up to 500 people.

Feature Highlights

Simple User Interface

Personal Conference Line

Personal Meeting Link

How Do I Request a Zoom Account?


All Hopkins students have access to Zoom Licensed accounts, please see the Zoom FAQ for Students for information on how to access your account: Zoom FAQ for Students

Instructors and Staff

For all instructors and staff within WSE (including EP):

  1.  Sign in to the WSE Zoom website using your JHED ID and password using the Hopkins Enterprise Authentication: WSE Zoom Website
  2. Check out the Zoom documentation on the CMTS Support site and contact the help desk if you have questions.

Other JHU personnel (eg: KSAS, SON, etc):

Please see the IT @ JH Zoom Help website for more information: Hopkins Zoom Help


Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Download Zoom?

  1. Go to the WSE Zoom site and/or click Download Zoom
  2. Download the desktop app for your Windows PC or Mac or the mobile app for your iOS or Android device

What Account Do I Login With?

If you have a JHED-ID, you should login with your JHED-ID and password. Depending on where you login, here are the instructions:

Zoom Web Portal:

You can login to the web portal by going to wse.zoom.us and clicking Sign In.

Zoom Desktop Apps (Mac or PC)

Open Zoom on your computer and then click Login with SSO and use wse for the domain.

Zoom Mobile Apps (Android or iOS)

  1. Download the Zoom app in the Google Play or Apple App Store 
  2. Click on Sign In
  3. Click SSO
  4. Type "wse" into the open field
  5. Login with your JHED-ID and password

How Do I Customize My Account?

Note: It’s optional to configure your account. You are welcome to use the default settings, which will be ideal for most people.

  1. Go to the WSE Zoom site
  2. Click Sign In
  3. Enter your JHED-ID and password and click Login
  4. OPTIONAL: Click on Profile and customize your personal meeting link and/or meeting ID
  5. Click on Settings and configure to suit your needs
  6. Click on Meetings and Personal Room and configure your default settings

How Do I Start a Meeting?

There are a number of ways you can start your meeting. You can launch a meeting from your desktop application, from your mobile app, from Canvas, and from the WSE Zoom site. Here are the options:

  • Go to wse.zoom.us and click on Host a Meeting and select the option that best suits your meeting
  • Open the Zoom desktop app and select New Meeting
  • Open Zoom mobile app and click New Meeting or Schedule Meeting

Invite some people to your meeting by either sending them the meeting link or using the Invite feature in Zoom.
You can find your meeting link and information by copying the invitation for your personal meeting room.

Can I Add Zoom Meetings in Outlook?

Yes! Please go to the Zoom Download Center and download the Zoom Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, and install it. This is what you will see when you schedule your next meeting:

Another way to accomplish this is by adding your Zoom meeting details into the Location field on an appointment. Then, it will be available as an option in the Location dropdown for future meetings.

Do I need to schedule all of my Zoom meetings in the app or on the website? Or can I use it on-demand, when I need it?

By default, your account is configured with a Personal Meeting room that is always available for ad hoc meetings. Your meeting ID is yours and never expires, so your participants use the same URL and the same phone numbers and meeting ID to join all of your Zoom meetings.

How Can I Secure Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are encrypted, and access can be managed through the use of passcodes (passwords) and/or the use of the waiting room feature. You can learn more about using these tools in our article Securing Your Zoom Meetings.

Where Can I Find Additional Support Resources and Training Materials for Zoom?

Fortunately, Zoom has great documentation and can help you troubleshoot issues you might be experiencing. 

Other questions? Looking for one on one training in using zoom with your class? Contact our Help Desk at https://jhengineering.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or by email at CMTShelp@jh.edu.

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