The Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory system—often called JHED for short—is the official online source for e-mail, Canvas, and other central platforms for students, faculty, and staff across Johns Hopkins University.

Your JHED ID (or Login ID or LID) is the username that you use when you log in to JHED. Many resources at Johns Hopkins University now use JHED IDs to authenticate users and allow access to certain systems.

  • Students: Students will use their JHED ID to access their e-mail, register for classes, check and print their confirmation and/or class schedule, access their grade report, and view their bill.
  • Alumni: Alumni will use their JHED ID to log in to their e-mail account and set up e-mail aliases.
  • Faculty: Faculty and advisors may use their JHED login to obtain course rosters, check grade reports, view enrollment history, and release holds. Faculty members also use JHED IDs to access the Faculty Intranet.
    • NOTE: Faculty members who are also APL staff with JHED ID issues should contact Tracy Gauthier (Tracy.Gauthier@jhuapl.edu or 443-778-1422). They can also call the APL Help Desk at 443-778-HELP (4357).
  • Staff: Employees of Johns Hopkins University use JHED as a source of e-mail, address, and telephone information to locate other staff within the university. They also use JHED to fill out time sheets, choose benefits, and sign up for training classes.

Please refer to our How to Log in to JHED page for instructions on how to find your JHED ID, log in to JHED for the first time, and change your password. Please review the Updating Your Information in JHED page for instructions on how to edit your personal information and set your online visibility.

For additional assistance using JHED, please call the HITS Help Desk at 410-516-HELP (4357) or send an e-mail to help@jhu.edu.

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